C++ Functions as Arguments

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This could be a function they want to integrate, a custom potential they want to simulate, or a force (e.g. to simulate non-standard interaction forces like in molecular simulations or when dealing with modified Newtonian gravity)

For my many-body simulation I was also looking for a way to implement user defined force calculations, but without compromising performance. The user should be able to pass a function that takes in two bodies and returns the pairwise interaction force between them, e.g. due to gravity or electromagnetic repulsion.

Roughly speaking, a naive many-body code has this structure:

for(int i=0; i<particles.size(); i++){
  double acceleration = 0.0;
  for(int j=0; j<particles.size(); j++){
    acceleration += pairwise_force(particles[i], particles[j]);

Turns out that passing the pairwise_force using a std::function<double(Particle, Particle)> is a really bad idea, because it turns this into an entirely scalar loop, even if the same code was vectorizing perfectly fine when inlined. Since this was the hot-loop in my simulation, the resulting performance drop of 8-16x is completely unacceptable.

Quick Bench Link

Quick Bench results of different ways to pass the function

But there is a really nice way to fix this issue! By making the argument pairwise_force of a template type instead of std::function<double(Particle, Particle)>, we force the compiler to inline the function. The result is a more readable, flexible implementation, where the user can pass their own force implementation, but at the performance level of a hardcoded routine.

Compiler Explorer

Looking at the compiled cssembly in Compiler Explorer reveals that the fast implementations were all successfully vectorized and use the YMM registers

    vmulpd  ymm0, ymm1, YMMWORD PTR [rbx+rax]
    vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdx+rax], ymm0


while the std::function implementation is stuck with XMM registers, that only hold one QWORD (64bit double)

std::_Function_handler<double (double, double), main::{lambda(double, double)#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, double&&, double&&):
        vmovsd  xmm0, QWORD PTR [rsi]
        vmulsd  xmm0, xmm0, QWORD PTR [rdx]

